You may see a variety of Mayonnaise on the shelf and don't have a clue on which one to buy. If so, here's a useful tip:
The 2 major brands are Kewpie and Ajinomoto. Their line up is briefly divided into : Normal Type & Light type. So the number you see on the packaging basically means how many percent less calories compared to their regular type. If you still not sure, get the cheapest one among the same brand and same size and that's their regular type.
There are several brands that make mayonnaise without eggs too. So if you have an allergy you can use those brands. Also if you are conscious about the radiation levels, you can choose a brand from the west like Sokensha from Kyushuu or Matsuda from Saitama which updates the radiation levels regularly on their website.
The 2 major brands are Kewpie and Ajinomoto. Their line up is briefly divided into : Normal Type & Light type. So the number you see on the packaging basically means how many percent less calories compared to their regular type. If you still not sure, get the cheapest one among the same brand and same size and that's their regular type.
There are several brands that make mayonnaise without eggs too. So if you have an allergy you can use those brands. Also if you are conscious about the radiation levels, you can choose a brand from the west like Sokensha from Kyushuu or Matsuda from Saitama which updates the radiation levels regularly on their website.